We have eleven primary academies in our Trust (eight fully converted and two associate schools) you can find out more about these schools below.
We have ten primary academies in our Trust (eight fully converted and two associate schools) you can find out more about these schools below.
Each of the schools within our Trust has a link on their website to their most recent Ofsted Inspection Report along with information on their most recent performance data (along with the appropriate DfE links), their curriculum approach and content and details of their Phonics schemes. They also include copies of their school specific Behaviour Policies.
Each of the schools within our Trust has the autonomy to set their own remote education provision and this information is included on each individual schools website.
We have a Trust wide Complaints Policy which can be found on our Policies and Procedures page along with our Data Protection (including Freedom of Information), Safeguarding Statement, Suspension and Exclusion Policy and Whistle Blowing Policy.
If you are looking for a place for your child at one of our Academies please see the information below and visit the school websites. Our schools follow our Trust Admissions Policy (click here to view), managed by the local authorities where they are located (currently Tameside MBC or Derbyshire CC) and the appeals process for places in our schools is also managed by the appropriate local authorities on our behalf.